I would like to say a great big THANK YOU to all of the helpers and exhibitors of the Allied Arts Gallery at the Park show. I think that we would all say that the show was a success. January went by way too quickly. It is hard to believe that the show is almost over already. The 30th is teardown/cleanup.

Susan Schmieman was awarded the Artist Merit Award on January 16th, for her Thistle Runner. This award is awarded by DFA, but chosen by Allied Arts, based solely on Artistic Merit and not on technical expertise (although she would have won that one as well). I love Susan’s story of why she chose the thistle design for the runner. She said she read somewhere that life is strewn with Thistles and Roses (ask her to explain it for you – I can’t do it justice). An absolutely stunning piece done on a 50!!! Shaft loom. I didn’t know they existed. Just WOW!

We had a very positive response from everyone who got to stop in and ohhh and ahhh over all of the beautiful creations. There was quite a variety – woven garments, scarves, purses, tapestries, and dish towels, felted slippers, purses, and jewelry, beautiful knit shawls, sweaters, and a ton of knit socks (both by hand and machine) and some surface design items to amaze everyone. This year’s theme, “Wearable Art”, was a big hit. Because of the theme we were able to display more clothing items created from hand woven fabrics than ever before. Some genuinely unique and beautiful one-of-a-kind pieces.

The Poker Challenge items were also fascinating to see. The creativity and interpretation of the different cards of the poker hands (covering color, texture, fiber and theme) was inspiring. It is amazing what emerges when fiber artists are stretched and use their imaginations to go where they have never gone before. Combining technique, fiber, texture and color in a cohesive piece that fit with their assigned theme.

We had t.v. coverage as well as newspaper and internet coverage (Facebook ads and videos, Constant Contact emails, and TourProsser.com). Thank you Jennifer Ely for contacting the t.v. stations, newspapers and Tour Prosser. Thanks to Rebecca Harkins and Felicia Folsom (of Allied Arts) for filming videos for Facebook, and Cheryl Reed for doing promotions via Constant Contact on Email.

Thank you to the many helper bees who helped get things displayed and returned to their rightful owners. A special thanks to Mary Fraser too – who kept reminding everyone of the theme throughout the year.

Hope Harkins

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