The Allied Arts (Gallery at the Park) Show 2021 is getting organized.

The theme this time around is WEARABLE ART. This could be something like a knit hat, tatted necklace, scarf, woven garment, straw hat, and the list goes on. Use your amazing imaginations. It will be a grand show.

Instead of a single featured artist we will be featuring each facet of DFA around the room to show our amazing diversity of talent. I am excited to see what everyone comes up with. At each of our third Thursday general meetings we will ask someone to show one or more items of their work to remind us all to be thinking about what we might contribute to our show in the Allied Arts Gallery in January 2021.

We thank Bonnie Baker for showing us, at our February meeting, many beautiful and interesting items she has woven or knit. We admired a jacket with sleeves in which she had woven (on a rigid heddle) the outside fabric, cut it into pieces, sewed them together and then sewed a lining in the jacket. She had made two poncho-style jackets of fabric she had woven also on the rigid heddle. She showed us a vest she had knit. Her last project was ared silk shirt. She had purchased the silk fabric, dyed it, and then sewed it into the shirt. You do beautiful fiber projects, Bonnie. Thank you for sharing them with us.

To all DFA members, please let me know if you would like to share ideas for the Allied Arts show at a DFA general meeting. Mary Fraser There is a challenge this time around. If you haven’t already run into Cheryl Reed and her decks of playing cards already, contact her and get more information on the challenge. This will definitely be a stretching exercise and bring out a ton of creativity in everyone who participates.

Remember that not all entries for the show need to be in the “Wearable Art” category or “challenge” – just your beautiful work will do. Entry inventory lists will need to be solidified in December this year to allow for SKU stickers to be printed ahead of check-in. You will still have until the January check-in date to complete your items.

Hope Harkins

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