Our show at Allied Arts has been an unqualified success. Many people have dropped in to see our work and expressed their pleasure at the quality and breadth of what our members make. The basket class was full and everyone left with a treasure basket and had a good time. Lots of basketeers showed up to help out and the docents and demonstrators have added a lot to the experience.
It is now time to close down. We will be taking the show down on Saturday the 28th. If you have items in the show or lent props please come to the gallery to collect your things between 5 and 6 on Saturday eve. You must check out with our take down team and with the gallery staff (for any sold items). This is very imporant so we can be certain every item has been accounted for and returned to its owner. If you have not arrived by 6 your items will be boxed up and taken to the guild. Again you must check out. Someone will be availiable to return your items from 1-3 on Sunday and from 1-4 on Monday. If you still have not gotten everything by then please call Karyn W.
Thank you for all you do.
Pam R.

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