The General Meeting will be April 19th at 6:30pm at the DFA Studio.

We will have a short presentation about Confluent the adult makerspace in Richland by Amanda Bercerra. Then DFA member Kitty Burns Bryan will give us presentation on how to recycle luxury yarns from different sources. Bring a friend and your show and tell.

Have you ever been at a yard sale where you felt a blissful cashmere sweater and thought I wish I had yarn like that? Kitty Burns Bryan will be on hand to show us how to deconstruct sweater to get that wonderful yarn. She will show us what type of construction to look for and how to start getting that wonderful yarn for your stash.
Kitty will show us how she selects sweaters for their yarn. Where she goes to find great – inexpensive sweaters.  Kitty will demonstrate her whole process from start to finish. She also has a knack for using everyday objects in creative fiber ways.

This story was instrumental in showing Kitty the need to recycle and upcycle yarn, fiber and fabrics.

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