The HOT August weather is currently the same temperature as the HOT August Agenda items.

  • Washington State Tax Issue:
    • The appeal was filed July 31st and we are in a HOLDING PATTERN until the wheels of the state government turn. The only communication we have is: RECEIVED. Leslie Wiberg and Julie Davis will be attending the “Hearing” once it is scheduled and will be presenting our case to NOT pay property taxes on our 503 C Non Profit status. Many thanks to Leslie and Julie! Unfortunately, it looks like we will be paying at least one year of taxation. Hopefully, less than $200.00.
    • LOGO
      Leslie Wiberg and Karen Lamar researched, contacted and met with many a graphic design company. Prices ranged from $400 ish to $4000ish. YIKES! After discussing the possibilities presented, the DFA Board chose Designs by Larelle (Larelle Michener). You can check out her work online. Larelle’s proposal came in at $395.55 for the work needed on our LOGO. Keep an eye out for our newly updated and legal LOGO.
  • Photo Shoot
    • Cheryl Reed, Jennifer Ely, Betty Spaur, Sharon Ofston lead the charge to get professional photos taken of our beautifully created items. These photos can be used for advertisements and social media. Thank you to all who had the foresight and gumption to see this project through. We will be using the donations and Fiber Fest monies to fund this project.
  • Tapestry Loom has been moved to its new home! Thank you, Thank you! Mickie Chamnis for organizing the moving crew. HUGE Thanks to Duane Job and his crew for providing the muscle and equipment to make the smooth move possible.

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