The Draw Loom warp is finished and the woven samples were on display at the July 9th meeting. We will be
preparing a new warp at the August 20th meeting. This warp will be dedicated to the Joanne Hall workshop September 17 & 18.

The July 9th meeting was attended by six members and everyone chose a position to help in with preparing for the workshop. Moving forward with plans to make this Draw Loom workshop a success depends on members who plan to attend. This will relieve Marion as she steps into the Desert Fiber Arts presidency role. The Draw Loom group is excited to have the loom warped and ready for DFA members to weave their masterpieces.


Desert Fiber Arts will be hosting Joanne Hall September 17th, 18th & 19th, 2019. The workshops subjects will focus on beginning, intermediate and advanced weaving techniques on the draw-loom. September 17 this also the McCurley Car Drive. Many of our regular drivers will be attending the workshop. Please help us out by volunteering to drive Tuesday, September 17th. Wowsers!

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