Pop Up Spinning
March 15th at the DFA Studio 1-3pm Contact Carol K for more infomation
March 15th at the DFA Studio 1-3pm Contact Carol K for more infomation
ZOOM: Digital Weaving Technology March 19th 6-7:30pm Liz Moncrief, ANWG Education Director, is now scheduling a monthly movie night to be staged on the Zoom platform. The ‘movies’ are not…
All of the current board officers have agreed to run for anadditional term. However, the three Members-at-Largeterms will expire in May. The Board needs 2-3 members asa nominating committee to…
Contact Susan at we*************@gm***.com to be includedon the zoom invite. And meetings only last an hour… we need your thoughts and ideas.
Wedding Quilt progress.