The AVL loom, also named Pegasus or Peggy, is now ready to be warped.

Thanks to a very thick binder of instructions, we have come a long way. We are  now ready for professional help!

  • Linda Kubik, designer, sewer, weaver and expert with her AVL loom, lives in our own backyard, Ritzville, WA.
  • Linda will be here on March 31 to teach us the next steps of preparing the AVL, getting it ready for DFA members to weave on it.
  • More details will be made available as we get them from Linda. Watch news posts as well as this event page as we keep it updated with incoming details.
  • Members interested in participating in learning how to warp and weave on the AVL, please register on the event page:, so a number of participants can be planned for.

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