Beginning Tapestry
Beginning Tapestry Class, a Golden, I Mean what an experience!

Linda, Hope, Kathy and Leslie are pictured with their frame looms, (shown upside down to show their works easily).

Each weaver selected yarns/colours from the colour wheel, noting relationships of adjacent colours. They learned that ergonomics matters including the working space for the weaver’s hands.

Why Golden, well of course, the cartoon’s composition is just as important and pleasing… The Golden Mean!

Thank you for selecting Paula and I to tap your fingers and creative minds into the world of tapestry.

Looking forward to weaving together at DFA on the second Friday’s Tapestry study!

Patti Kirch

Welcome into the weft faced surface of tapestry,

We look forward to sharing our enticing knowledge with you Friday, May 3rd starting at 1:00, at DFA.
Be prepared, you won’t want to leave home without Scissors, Snacks and Measuring Tape.

Paula and I are very excited to take you into the hands on adventure of tapestry weaving.

Tapestry Team,

Patti and Paula

  • ps. tapiserie and patisserie are a couple of my favorite words.

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