A Summary of 2018 McCurley Fund Raising Drives

WOW!!! We did it! Another fun and busy year brought to completion. Thank you drivers for a great and speedy event.

I thought it might be fun to see what we did accomplish, with quips and quotes along the way.

  • First and foremost, a round of applause to all for your participation. We had a full complement of 12 drivers for every event, with an extra driver a couple of times.
  • February started off with good weather, but night drivers were in the dark and still cold, so toasty attire was a must. Nancy Kelly-Girvin and Jan Salsbury sent their condolences from warmer locations expressing their sorrow that they couldn’t join us. (Do you believe that?)
  • Drivers began to use the web site to reserve their space in April, and have continued to do so. That is a great help as well as it generates an automatic reminder to the driver.
  • Snack bags to sustain the drivers’ energy has been a great hit. It’s a bit like a progressive lunch and a surprise of what’s in the little brown bag.
  • June was the 3rd drive. Driver availability had to compete with vacations, graduations, birthdays, etc. But we made it.
  • Nancy Kelly-Girvin stepped up to help in August as Dorothy headed to the Southwest for Navajo weaving. Nancy did a wonderful job of coordinating the drive but was frazzled by the last-minute-commitment syndrome from some drivers.
  • Our final October drive was outstanding. Not only did we get great volunteers, (one driver came from Finland), but the drive went very smoothly. Thank you to McCurleys for a super job of coordinating their vans. The evening drive was completed in record time too.


Quips and Quotes:

  • “If I am driving a truck, it needs a running board or step ladder.” Dorothy Mucha, Carol Hall
  • “Leaving for warmer country.” Jan Salsbury”
  • “What was I driving? My purse is still in there!”
  • “The best car I drove tonight was the one I drove here.”
  • “Make my day….I want to drive a stick shift !”
  • “New life goal, a car with heated seats and STEERING WHEEL!”
  • “If I had looked at the price tag first, I would never have driven it. I paid less than that for my house!”
  • “That Mercedes look’s REALLY good on you!”
  • “Race you to the sports car!”
  • “That Cadillac was just like driving my living room!”


  • Stats: The drives are comprised of a pool of volunteers. Did you know that:
    Out of the DFA paid membership of 115 persons . . .

    • The driving roster consists of 27 members who volunteer to drive.
    • In addition, 14 volunteer drivers are non-members!
    • Non-members are husbands of members, co-workers of members and friends that fortuitously drop by on the day we are going to drive.
  • Perfect Attendance honor goes to Marion Halupczok. She was at every drive, racking up 10 drives.
  • Second place goes to Robin Phillips with 8 drives. Awesome
  • Vicki Hughes and Dorothy Mucha drove 6 times as did non-members Harry Staven and John Mucha. Superb!
  • Mickey Chamness, Nancy K-Girvin each hit the #5 mark on drives.
  • All others drove multiple times.
  • Snacks were provided by other members for the last two drives.
  • As we always had 12 drivers, DFA received donated funds from McCurley’s in the amount of $4000.00.

New drivers and volunteers for various small tasks are always welcome and would be most appreciated. Please consider becoming a part of this very worthwhile activity for Desert Fiber Arts.



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