We had a BUSY board meeting on April 3rd. We didn’t even get to all the items on the agenda!

However, we did get some important business done.

The vote passed to adopt the new ByLaws and Articles of Incorporation. The Board voted to adopt them and they can now be found in the Library as well as on the website.

Ballots for the election of officers will go out on or around May 8th and will remain open until May 15th. The Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday, May 20th from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30. Voting outcomes will be announced and nibbles will be nibbled upon.

When we know who is running for office, we will send out an informational email who you will be voting for.

Also on the ballot will be the question of raising the Add On Family Member fee from $1.00 to $5.00. The Board had long discussions about this. The reasoning for the suggested change in Add -on dues is that the $1.00 fee was originally initiated to cover the membership cost to ANWG. However, credit card fees eat this up. The increase in the Add On Member will help cover the cost of credit card fees and other miscellaneous costs of membership, as well as the ANWG membership.

Items on the wishlist were discussed and priced. Decisions were made to replace the flooring in the office, storage room and equipment room. We will also be purchasing an electric bobbin winder with a counter, an additional library shelf, and a few other things on the list. Once those purchases are made, we will see what money is left to continue our wishlist.

Due to the hard work of Marion Halupczok, we have received another grant for $2800 with no restrictions. How that will be spent will be discussed in future meetings.

You will soon be receiving some information about the membership renewal process for this year. Carol Kaminsky is working with Dorothy Mucha (treasurer) to make it as seamless as possible.

Carol will also be sending out information regarding ensuring that all new memberships and rentals are purchased online.

After the Communication Survey results, the Board has decided to cease publication of a newsletter for a trial period of one year. The majority of members who completed the survey indicated they want information by email. Given that we already have a Blaster in place, we will be working on getting information to our members in a more efficient fashion with fewer emails, while still supplying you with all the information you need.

I’m sure there’s more, but the day after the Board meeting, I left for a one week visit with my husband’s family in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.I just got back and I’m a little jet lagged. If I left something out, someone please tell me!

Like I said, a LOT is happening. The next Board meeting is Tuesday, May 2nd at 10:00 a.m.

Betsy Dickinson

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