Happy February!

Spring is just around the corner. I know this because all the seed and flower catalogues are arriving in my mailbox. I promptly hand those over to my husband, who’s the gardener guy.

Each Board meeting is filled with lots of information and ideas. February’s meeting was no different.

We have two new committee chairs. I’m happy to introduce Cathy P. as the Workshop chair. Please reach out to her with ideas for future workshops.

A big thank-you to Cindy J., who is taking over the Equipment position from Rose R. Thanks so much for Rose for your help over the last few years. It’s not easy working full time and keeping up on rentals.

The Finance Committee will begin working on the budget for the next fiscal year. We will whittle down our large item wish list using Grants (thanks Marion H!!). Start thinking about what the guild and the study groups might need for next year and inform Dorothy M., our illustrious Treasurer.

Kathy M. has proposed an idea for a Spring Challenge…and it has to do with springs! Contact her for more information about this cute idea for our next Fall Market.

DFA will have a booth at the Quilt Show in March. Leslie W. is making those arrangements. It’s a fun place to demonstrate your skills and get a sneak peek at some fabulous quilts.

The nominating committee is looking for leaders for next year. The positions of Vice-President (can be two co-Vice-Presidents) and Secretary are open. I have agreed to run for President one more term. If the new by-laws are passed, we will also be electing up to three members-at-large. A member-at-large will be a representative of the guild, and will be a voting member of the Board. If you are interested in any of these positions, please contact Pam Root and Cathy Porfilio.

Thanks to all of you for supporting DFA. It’s a pleasure to be at your service.

Betsy Dickinson

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