By the time you get this, our store room, equipment room and office will be newly “floored” and organized. I look forward to seeing the end result!

The Board meeting on May 2nd was held at my house due to the remodeling of the studio.
A revised policy document was presented to the board and passed with a unanimous vote. The policies will be available for all members to view on the website and in the library by the end of the month.

The Board approved an updated contract for workshop and class presenters.

We are making progress on our wish list. The flooring is a big one. We are also replacing the sink in the bathroom and working on some electrical updates, as well as a few other facility items. We will revisit the wish list in June to see where we are with the grant balance, once our bills are paid.

Our esteemed treasurer, Dorothy Mucha, is providing important financial information to the Board, and wants to learn more! She will attend a seminar at the end of the month to learn more about Quick Books. Good for you, Dorothy! Thanks for your service to DFA.

Our Annual meeting will be held on Saturday, May 20th from 10-11:30. Cheryl Reed will be sending out more information on that soon. It should be fun and I hope for great attendance as we share voting results, review our accomplishments and prepare for another full year of activities.

My best to all of you.

Betsy Dickinson

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