Hello everyone!

Welcome to Fiscal Year 2023-24. I hope you have all remembered to renew your membership for this year, as there will be lots of fun things happening that you won’t want to miss.

The Board members for this year are:

President: Betsy D.
Vice President: Cathy P.
Treasurer: Dorothy M.
Secretary: Ord McC.
Members-at- Large:

Chris L.
Lyn B.
Sue DeM.

All of us are available for questions, comments, ideas and feedback.

At the June 6th Board meeting, the Board was reminded that we need at least 5 voting members present for a quorum. The position of “Member-at-Large” is new and we will be working toward a better understanding of their role on the board as the year progresses.

The study group weekly email has received a positive response, and will continue. Thanks to Karen Lamar for heading this up.

A newsletter is still a possibility if someone will step up to be the editor. The editor needs skills using computer programs, editing (fixing grammar, spelling, etc.) and organizational skills. If you are interested, please contact me.

The Basketeers have received a number of requests for workshops and received approval to accept up to 5 classes this year. We are working on questions regarding insurance coverage and other details.

It is likely that our General Meetings this year will be held at a larger venue, such as the library. We will keep you posted on that. Cathy P. is doing a great job lining up some excellent programs for all of our members.

Once we get the bathroom sink replacement costs figured out, we will know what our balance is in the grants we have available for our ongoing wish list. We have covered the biggest costs: Flooring, electrical outlets upgrades, bookshelf, electric bobbin winder, to name a few.

A few of us are going to the ANWG conference in Bend this week. Susan S. and Cathy P. have put together a wonderful booth that illustrates all the great things we are doing here at DFA. Thanks to both of you and to your helpers.

Benton-Franklin County Fair is coming up. Susan S., a member, is the Superintendent for the Fiber Arts area. She will be looking for helpers and will get information to us soon. Don’t forget to enter your best stuff! Go to the Fair website to register. I did it yesterday and it was easy.

Fall Market planning is cookin’! We need lots of items to sell, so sit at your looms, grab your sticks and hooks, felt like crazy, or perform your miracles to make it the best sale ever.

I’m so glad to be part of this amazing organization and look forward to another year as President.

Betsy D.

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