I hope you are staying cool. The best thing about these super-hot days is that it puts me in the mood to weave. I hope you are creating beautiful things to show us when we start our general meetings in September!  And don’t forget, the Fall Market is right around the corner.

Nancy Klotz and Breanne O’H. are co-vice presidents and in charge of developing programs for our general meetings. If you have an idea or request for a presentation, please let one of them know.

The board approved that the money so generously donated by Sharon Ofsthun will be made available to assist members to pay for registration at the ANWG Conference, which will be held in Yakima next June.  This is an amazing opportunity for members who wouldn’t normally be able to afford to attend.  We will be providing more information about this as we get closer to the date.

Did you know that each DFA member is also an ANWG member? 

For now, please go to the ANWG website to find information about the conference. You can sign up to receive the blog, which gives regular updates on their planning progress. I attended last year and it was a great experience. Given we are so close, there will be volunteer opportunities that DFA can help with.

The ANWG website is: https://northwestweavers.org/

The board also approved the remainder of the unspent Paul Allen grant of $700 and the new grant of $2500 will be deposited to the general fund to assist in paying for our webmaster and our bookkeeper.

The Fall Market Committee and Allied Arts committee are gearing up. November and January will be here before you know it. Fall Market will be looking for volunteers to help with cashiering, wrapping, providing docent services, and helping with set-up and take-down. Please contact Susan S. if you can help.

Currently the studio is looking pretty good. Please remember to pick up after yourselves, vacuum the floors, clean sinks and toilet periodically. Let the board know if there are any significant problems that need to be remedied. Follow thermostat instructions when entering and leaving.

Take a look at our website! It’s so pretty! Carol K. and the website committee continue to work closely with our webmaster. Explore the pages. If you find something weird, let Carol know.

The next board meeting is August 24th from 1-4. 

Until next month…

Betsy D.

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