Items discussed:

Mid-Columbia Library Display will be installed February 1. Susan Schmieman is leading the talented team. The display case is divided into compartments that could easily accommodate the many facets of DFA. Susan and team will be contacting members to assist by loaning their beautiful work/ projects for the display. Huge THANK YOUs to our Susan Sch, Rene J, Leslie W, Sue DeM, Lynn B and Lisa for volunteering their time and expertise. Mid-Colombia Library Fyber Monday (name is TBD). The partnership between DFA and MCL is moving for with only a  few speed bumps. We scheduled the MCL Fyber Night to be the 3rd Monday of the month. The calendar created a challenge as BOTH 3rd Mondays in January and February are holidays, thus MCL is closed. SOOOOOO…. mark your calendar for January 6th soft opening of Fyber Monday and February 3rd for the hard opening of Fyber Monday. The
remainder of the year we will be meeting at MCL the 3rd Monday from 7-8:30pm.

KEYS: DFA has 29 keys that have been confirmed in member’s hands. However, there may be as many as 40 keys “out there”. As our membership grows, we need to have a better handle on our security. Suggestions have been made to re-key the front lock, put a key code lock on the front door and/or  add security cameras. These suggestions are being researched. We are in the process of developing a KEY procedure. What you can do to help:
Please remember to double/triple check that the door is locked when leaving the studio. Do not duplicate or loan your key for another member.
Please contact DFA President Marion Halupczok if you desire a key.

COMPUTER UPGRADES: Our wonderful new studio printer is not compatible with our current desk top. The board is considering replacing the Treasury Laptop and shifting the current laptop to use in the DFA Studio office. More researching is necessary.

TAXES: DFA will receive it’s first Tax Bill in January. Procedure will need to be developed to help us keep track of our inventory, spending, and depreciation.

LOGO: DFA members chose the circular version of the DFA Logo at the November 25th General Meeting. Work is continuing on our logo to be compatible with electronic media and registering the Logo. Work in Progress.

INSURANCE: Our insurance is up for renewal January 30, 2020. We are in the process of shopping for insurance that fits the needs of our organization.

NEW DONATION: DFA has taken ownership of a Peg-Assist AVL loom. Her name: Peg-A-sist or Peggy. Currently she is housed in piece, in Marion’s garage. A new study group will be forming in January to learn about how Peg-Assist AVL looms operate. We hope to have Peg-A-sist join us at the studio in March. Contact Dorothy, Kathy or Marion if you’d like to receive information on this exciting new learning opportunity for DFA.

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