Please contact Marion Halupczok ASAP if you have any additions to the December agenda.
Below you will find a draft of the December agenda.   
Please join the DFA Board of Directors December 9th at 10 am in the DFA Guild House.

December 9th DFA Board Meeting, 10-Noon at the DFA Studio

  • 1.    Call to Order
  • 2.    Approval of Minutes from November
  • 3.    Treasurer’s Report
  • 4.     Membership
  • Old Business 
  • 5.    Keys- Mickie
  • 6. Computer-Robin
  • 7. Taxes-Leslie
  • 8. Logo- Leslie
  • New Business
  • 9.    Mid-Columbia Library Display Report: Susan S.
    • Team members:  Leslie W.  Rene J. Susan S. Sue De Merchant Lynn Backe
  • 10. New Donations
  • 11. Committee Leads:  Art in the Park, Annual Sale, Nomination Committee
  • 12. Christmas Party
  • Next Board Meeting:  January 13th Time:      10-noon
  • January agenda:  Committee for Allied Arts Show January 2021
    • Nomination committee needed
    • Fall Sales Committee/Publicity
    • MCL display progress
  • February Agenda:  Budget committee
  • March Agenda:  Nominations for 2020-21 DFA Officers
    • Set Fall Sales Commission Rate

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