Come One! Come All!

June 24th 4 pm-? DFA Studio Desert Fiber Arts Agenda

Call to order:

  • Approve Minutes from last meeting:
  • Membership Report: Carol K
  • Treasurer’s Report: Julie D.
  • Old Business:
  • 1. Fall Sale
  • a. Location
  • b. Co-chair
  • c. Check in: Dorothy M. & Kathy
  • 2. Hot Spot Options:
  • a. Continue the way it is…Dorothy submits bill for reimbursement 2Gs + $15.00 4Gs $25.00 (poss. Look for better option)
  • b. We set up new account at US Cell
  • 3. Carpet Replacement
  • New Business:
  • 4. Procedures for each Committee—Who does what?
  • 5. LOGO—Discontinue usage –Clarification is needed to keep us within usage guidelines
  • 6. Washington State Business Tax Issue/ Restructuring
  • 7. Leadership Roles


NEXT BOARD MEETING: July 22nd at the DFA Studio

  • Agenda: * Review policies, by-laws and procedures
  • * LOGO Usage Clarification: Linda Bittenger
  • *Fall Classes: Hope Harkins & Connie Schlosser
  • Action Items:
  • Study Group Chairs & Board Members
  • Review By-laws & Policies
  • Create Procedures

Next Board Meeting   July 22nd 4 pm   DFA Studio

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