‘Tis the Season for the DFA Holiday Party!
Jingle the bells, deck the halls and gather with our BFFs (Best Fiber Friends) for an
afternoon of delicious food, a joyful gift exchange, funtastic games and time to
play with our fiber projects as we share the holiday spirit together.
Saturday, December 14 th , 12:30-4 pm at Betsy D’s house, We start with a potluck meal at 1:00. If your last name begins
with the letter A-H bring a side dish, I-P bring a main dish, Q-Z bring a dessert.
We will have a fun game or two, before the gift exchange. Please bring a wrapped
gift, $15 or less (maybe something you would enjoy receiving?). No gift-stealing
Grinches allowed! Then we will play with our fiber projects until it is time to bid
What to bring: 1. Potluck dish 2. Your beverage (no alcohol please). Water, hot
cocoa and spiced cider are provided. 3. Wrapped gift to exchange. 4. Your
portable fiber project. There is room for small looms (RH, inkle) and spinning
wheels. Bring your RH stand if you have one. 5. Folding chair (we have a few
We are excited to see you all on December 14 th !
Contact Breanne O’H. & Nancy K. for more info.