• Total Sales: $5727
  • Paid to Artists: $4455
  • Net to DFA (after fees): $1155
  • Number of Sellers: 28 (about the same each year)
  • Number of items brought to sell: 681
  • Number of items sold: 230 (This is spot on! If our pricing and the quantity of items to choose from are right, marketers expect about a of their items to sell.)


We experimented with 2 commissions this year to make it worth our artists’ time to volunteer. We asked for help on the DFA Fall Sale anytime over the year. If you donated at least 2 hours of time, you gave DFA a commission of 15% of your sales. If you could not help this year, (some years are like that) you gave DFA 20% of your sales. All but 1 of our 28 artists were able to help this year. Also, as in years past, several DFA members who did not have items for the Sale still volunteered to make the Sale happen. Thank you for your time and energy to make this sales opportunity for our members!

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