Yes, that’s right, the largest Navajo rug ever woven. You can see the rug via a video that Pam Root has generously offered to show us at the September 21st General Meeting. Pam will tell us all about this unique rug, materials and dyes used, its history, the family involvement and tell us where we can see this beautiful rug in person (hint: it’s in Arizona!)

Don’t forget we will have Show and Tell so bring your summer projects so everyone can see who is doing what in all of our Study Groups.

NOTE: The September meeting will be on the 21st, start time 6pm at the DFA Studio.

As the new Vice President of the Desert Fiber Arts Guild I have reviewed the history of the Guild and talked with members about their opinions, wishes and general thoughts regarding everything DFA. Therefore, I see a need for an open forum to discuss many topics of interest with the entire Guild membership.


  • Discuss plans for our 50th Anniversary Celebration
  • Introduce our new Website Committee, the Committee will review goals for the future and answer questions from the membership
  • Discuss the need for a new Treasurer for 2024/25
  • Fall Market Report including an update on activities, the Adopt-A-Sign program, Save The Date Cards and other forms of advertising
  • Review present and upcoming Workshops
  • Future General Meetings, new time and location
  • Fiber and Friends at the Kennewick Library on Union Street, 1st Monday of the month
  • Show and Tell – Bring your beautiful creations that you are selling at the Fall Market

Hopefully, there will be time for other topics. If you want to add a topic for discussion send me an email and I will add it to the agenda.

This is a very important meeting. The Board of Directors wants input, so please, take the time to attend.

NOTE: New General Meeting start time 6pm

Cathy Porfilio

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