The DFA Guild Studio closed its’ doors in March in response to the Washington state “Stay Home, Stay Safe” orders requiring non-essential facilities to close due to COVID-19. In May, the DFA Board asked for volunteers to form a Re-Opening Team to plan for when the Studio would be allowed to re-open. The new Team held its’ first Zoom meeting on May 21st. Benton and Franklin counties were in Phase 1 of the “Safe Start” Washington state guidelines at that time.

Re-Opening Team members are: Marion Halupczok – Board President; Carol Kaminsky – Acting Equipment Manager, Co-Chair Membership, DFA e-mail Blaster; Gayle Kerr – Board Secretary; Pam Root – outgoing Co-Vice President; Kitty Bryan; Mickie Chamness – Facilities Manager; Mark Halupczok; Marilyn Lord; Sue Silliman – Co-Chair Membership; Vickie Hughes – newly elected Co-Vice President; Kathy Thorndike – newly elected Co-Vice President – Don Ashley and Nancy Klotz. We quickly learned the depth and breadth of experience and knowledge that these talented members brought to the team: 3 retired nurses (hospital infection control, public health and intensive care), 1 retired physician, health administration, operations and OSHA training, project planning, teaching and more.

The first order of business was – where to begin? We decided to ask DFA membership how and when they wanted to use the studio. A member survey was developed and distributed electronically, drawing responses from 38 members. (See article, “Pearls of Wisdom: DFA Member Survey Results”.) Next we searched for examples of other re-opening plans. We began by using the COVID-19 Safety Plan template on our local health district website. Following more Zoom meetings, hours of research of science-based information, review, discussion and revision, the COVID-19 Safety Plan for the Desert Fiber Arts Guild Studio evolved.

Seven board members met on June 15th via Zoom for a Working Board meeting to review and discuss the Safety Plan and studio re-opening plans. It was discussed that the Safety Plan is a work in progress and will be updated and revised as Benton county progresses through each Phase of the state COVID-19 Safe Start requirements. The board members expressed confidence that the Safety Plan seems to incorporate the legal requirements to protect the DFA Guild’s 501-C3 status as well as DFA’s insurance company’s requirements. Most importantly, board members emphasized that their top priority is member health and safety.

Next Steps: The Re-Opening Team will meet to develop written recommendations to the DFA Board. In the meantime, details are being worked out for re-opening procedures such as cleaning and disinfecting, curbside equipment rental, curbside library check-out, member training, studio scheduling, etc. The Board will review and vote on the Safety Plan and Re-Opening Team Recommendations at the July board meeting. When the Safety Plan is approved, members will be notified, it will be posted to the DFA website and training for members will be offered.

What does all this mean to members NOW? The DFA Studio remains closed. At the time this article is being written, Benton and Franklin counties are still in Phase 1. The local health and county officials have applied to move to Phase 2. The applications have been “placed on pause” until additional improvements are made, according to the Washington state Department of Health.

The Re-Opening Team will continue to plan and make preparations for safe studio re-opening. We will continue to communicate with members and the board on progress toward this goal. If you have questions about the Safety Plan and re-opening planning, please feel free to contact any member of the Re-Opening Team, a board member or me, Nancy Klotz, Safety Plan Lead.

Nancy Klotz, Safety Plan Lead

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