By Cheryl Reed

Susan, Pam and Marcia were among the DFA members who took advantage of the Artist Stash Sale at the White Bluffs Quilt Museum on Saturday, Oct. 6.  WBQM provided a free space for DFA to demo our crafts and to invite folks to join our Guild.  We also explained the rug loom rental to interested folks.  At least 2 tables were stash from several DFA members.  No one sold all of their stuff.  And it was tempting to add stash fro
m the other tables to our own take-home pile.  But the customers were interested in DFA like the folks who see us at the Fair.  We handed out brochures to a handful of folks in the few hours of the sale.  And the rug loom is pulling in interested folks into the weaving real
m  We all know from experience that once your toe is in this fiber arts pool, you soon jump in with both feet.

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