
Tools needed for your Dye Project–pictured above
At Earlene’s Please check your directory for her address.

Agenda: Two types of dyeing.
Earlene will help you ice dye yarns or fabrics.
Cheryl will help you paint warps (white or pastel warp please) or skeins.

These dyes are made for cellulose fibers. Your yarns must be cotton, linen, rayon, hemp, plant fibers, or the dyes won’t bond with your skein or fabric.

To Ice dye – bring clean, Prewashed cotton clothing or fabric and a bag of ice.

See attachments for more info on how to use painted warps, and how to get ready for our Dye Day.
Questions? Contact Cheryl R., Cheryl’s email address & phone number are in the DFA Directory

Email Cheryl for the PDF files with photos or check back in the Blast for access to the PDF files.

Preparations for Painting Sat. July 22, 2023
How to prep for painting warps & skeins.

  1. Choose yarns made of cellulose fibers, rather than protein fibers. Cotton, linen,
    hemp, rayon, etc. Plant fibers.
  2. Calculate the length of your warp. For weaving, you want a warp-faced fabric to
    accentuate your dyeing. Refer to the pdf, “How to use your painted warps” to see how
    painted stripes are combined with commercially-dyed yarns. You don’t need to dye the
    entire scarf.
    Suggested finished lengths for a woven scarf: 60”-72”. Add take-up, shrinkage, and
    loom waste.
  3. Pre-wash your yarn by hand to remove any spinning oil that will resist the dyes.
    Secure with many ties so it doesn’t tangle.
  4. Measure the warp for your stripe(s),
    including the cross, to keep your threads in
    order. Every 12” or so, capture the threads
    in a twined tie.
  5. Consider possible colorways. DFA has some fiber reactive dyes. Members may bring
    their dye powders to donate to this event. Some dyes may be old enough that they dye
    paler than fresh dyes. It will be difficult to get the exact color you want. Hang loose.
    Think of this as a fun day of learning, rather than a day to create your perfect painted
  6. Gather tools for painting before Saturday, July 22, 2023.
    • Small tub or bucket for water (This is for your used utensils.)
    • 2 or more old rags to help with drying and clean-up.
    • 3-4 jars with lids, to hold at least 8 oz of dye solution. (Rescue a few from your trash
    can. Not too tall. You need to be able to mix a paste of your dye powder in the bottom
    of the jar with a plastic knife.)
    • Masking tape or painters tape to label jars. Sharpie to write label. (Waterproof ink.)
    • N95 mask or equivalent (To wear only while we mix the powders; not all day.)
    • 2 Large plastic garbage bags to cover your work surface and keep your yarn moist for
    at least 4 hours.
    • Flat work surface, the top of a TV tray, a large baking sheet, board, etc. (These will be
    protected by your plastic bag. Your yarn needs to remain stable so the colors don’t
    pool and mix.)
    • Roll of paper towels.
    • If you have one, an old 8 oz measuring cup that pours well.
Tools needed for your Dye Project

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