The following information is shared to better prepare you for the discussion on our Fall Sale at our next General meeting to be held March 15th:

Four DFA friends have been meeting over the last several weeks to brain storm ideas for the Annual Fall Sale.  They are: Jennie Bass, Cheryl Reed, Char Friberg, and Jennifer Ely.  They have volunteered to comprise the “Marketing and Promotion” sub-committee of the Fall Sale Committee.

We are defining our market and finding ways to approach these markets.  PEO chapters, sororities, book clubs, etc. will be approached with a “preview show and tell” of DFA’s history and mission, and a hands-on look at the variety of items offered during the Sale.

The committee is also getting estimates on print ads, posters, signage etc. to develop a budget for the Sale.  We also wish to create a “brand” for the event, using it in all these ways, as repetition creates memory for consumers.

We would like to see the Sale maintain the same dates each year, the last weekend in October and first weekend in November.

We have explored many interesting new venue possibilities but found them to be too costly.  However, we have approached a local business about hosting the Sale.  This new venue would provide a larger space, more parking, easy central accessibility, and a more public location.  In addition, our Sale would run eight consecutive business days, also boosting sales.

Your Marketing/Promotion committee is excited about this possibility and willing to “do the work” to drive sales and ensure a highly successful event.  However, we’re only one component of a larger work.  We are looking to the entire DFA membership to volunteer in the capacities that best suit your skills and interests, and form an effective team to really elevate this year’s Sale.  The first real need to move these plans forward is identifying a chairman or leadership duo for the Sale.

Will you join us?  It’s going to be a blast!

Please attend the March 15th meeting to further discuss these ideas, learn more, and voice your opinions.  Questions prior?  Please phone any committee member.  Many thanks!

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