Draw Loom
History and Etymology for draw
  • Verb and Noun
    • Middle English drawen, dragen, from Old English dragan; akin to Old Norse draga to draw, drag
  • First Known Use of draw
    • Verb: before the 12th century: to cause to move continuously toward or after a force applied in advance
    • Noun: 1663: the act or process of drawing
  • Synonyms for Draw: Attraction, magnet, lure, inducement, ENTICEMENT

ENTICEMENT: That’s what the Draw Loom study group did at the April General Meeting. They enticed Desert Fiber Arts members to join in the fun of operating the Draw Loom. Projects and samples were shared with the groups. There was a slide showing the tip of the iceberg of patterns that can be created on the Swedish Draw Loom. Susan Schmieman show the ease at which on can weave on the draw loom in a short video.

Members were invited to sign up for a 2-hour block to work with Draw Loom Group Members to “try it out”. Participating members will have the opportunity to use the draw as both a noun and a verb. If you would like take the Draw Loom for a “test drive” but missed the meeting call or email Susan and she’ll get you scheduled.

Next Draw Loom meeting: May 14th 1-3pm at the DFA Studio

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