Draw loom dreams have come true …

for those members who have been lucky enough to have a chance to weave on the lovely draw loom in the entry room to the DFA Studio.  The draw loom study group is on its second warp.  The second warping, the Draw Loom was warped 30 yards!  Dorothy Mucha wound the warp, three strands at a time, all 1432 of them!  We ran into a bit of a snag late last summer, as the warp didn’t behave and our tension was a tad off.  Thankfully, the draw loom study group was able to meet the challenge of adjusting and rewinding the warp!  Many thanks to all that helped!  We had a HUGE cheer group as we noodled our way through the dilemma.  THE LEARNING WAS EMORMOUS!

The Draw Loom Study group has been discussing having Joanne Hall join us at the DFA Studio to teach a warping workshop.  Nothing scheduled as of yet but keep your eyes open for new opportunities.
Looking forward, we currently have one-member weaving on the draw loom.  There will be OPENINGS this summer for DFA members who would like to test their hand at our new piece of equipment.

Contact Marion Halupczok for scheduling or reserve on line.   There has been requests for a draw loom “show and tell” & “overview” program at a general meeting coming this fall.

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