Ophir spent 10 days with DFA members working on the EG2 Project elements during her April stay.  The natural side of the river is completely woven.  We have finalized several elements and are ready to begin work on them:  silk cocoon Balsamroot flowers, railroad (just need color choice), fishtails (waiting for rye grass & tule to grow larger), Sprang electric towers, close a final decision on the man-made side of the river, roads, Tyvek rocks, & hands. Ophir hosted an Open House for the accomplishment of the week-long marathon workshop on the last Friday of her stay.  AMAZING!

During Ophir’s stay, Vicki, Betsy, Marion & Ophir met with the REACH Museum staff to solidify the dates for the installation, EG2 Artist reception, opening weekend, and take down.  Lou Palermo, Maryhill Museum, Curator of Education popped in to check out our progress. Ophir will continue to meet via ZOOM May 2nd, 16th & 30th)

Here’s the scoop:

June 23, 2022              Installation at the REACH

June 24, 2022              5 – 7pm         DFA members, family & friends invited.  

 Reception & Artist Talk at the REACH   light appetizers & beverages served.

June 25, 2022              10:00am – noon  DFA Activities & Demos (Volunteers needed)

June 26, 2022              Noon – 2pm    DFA Activities & Demos Volunteers Needed)

August 1, 2022            Take down & transport to Maryhill

Check out the picture of our 8 days of workshops in the DOCUMENTATION FOLDER here:  https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1N4YsPpbhYvYurbdsuTTK-WbfVxBrfXA7

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