The Northwest Spinners & Fiber Arts Association is organizing another online
celebration of fiber art for Saint Distaff’s Day in January. (for more info google St. Distaff’s Day)
Saturday, January 7, 10am-4pm
It’s free, but register at Click on Events. Scroll down to
the Fiesta. Click the green arrow on the right to register. You don’t need to be a member to enjoy
the day.
This is a fun way to connect with fiber folks during our gray January days from the
comfort of your own home. There are several break out rooms for various presentations. Chat
rooms during lunch. A peek into fiber shops around the PNW. A good time to do handwork or
spin while sharing the day with folks from all over WA, OR, and ID.
Attention vendors and teachers: Now is the time to sign up for a slot to share your
products or to share a skill during the Fiesta. Last year the teachers had 25-30 minutes to share.
Vendors gave a tour of their shop & products, shared their contact info in the chat.
Vendors, email Mimi Dillman for details, (check DFA December newsletter for contact emails)
Those with “Tips, Tricks & Techniques” contact Cat Snyder,

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