Fair was an even bigger success this year.

Thank you to all of those who entered the 170 items!!! We were thankful that the 300 item goal was not met. We (displayers and judge) would have been there until midnight both Sunday and Monday in order to be ready for fair to open on Tuesday. As it was, we were there 2 long days but were home at least by 8 each night. A great variety of items were entered – everything from basketry, weaving (rigid heddle, 4/8 shaft, draw loom, inkle loom), tatting, felting, knitting (including 8 knit-along shawls), crochet, kumihimo, bobbin lace, hand spun yarn, clothing made from woven and dyed fabric, etc. About every area of DFA was covered this year.

We had a lot of help with take-in (Cheryl Kierulff, Mary Thomas) , a few that helped with setup (Hope Harkins, Kathryn Nye , Carla Alme, Susan Smith), and Susan Smith clerked for Betty Krause our awesome NWRS judge. Two long days were spent judging and displaying all the beautiful items entered. We had a smaller allotted space this year, so it was quite a puzzle to fit everything in. [hopefully I didn’t miss anyone]

There were so many beautiful items that the judge took a long time to decide on the special awards. Awards went to the following people:

  • Best of show – to Mary Thomas for her woven and dyed vest – gorgeous
  • Best of Challenge – to Neil Kierulff for his inkle hat band –true perfection
  • Best Handspun – to Neil Kierulff for his 2 ply skein – truly exceptional
  • Best item made from Handspun – Connie Schlosser – for her beautiful KAL Shawl
  • Best original design (Zina Mae Chesley award) – to Sheila Doyle – for her tatted piece in the Challenge class – those bees are so amazing
  • Best woven item – to Dorothy Mucha – judge was very impressed with your scarf
  • Best use of Color (Edith Marsh award) – to Kathy Meyer for her colorful scarf – so beautiful

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