• 1. Items should be original and fiber related.
  • 2. Accessories that are fiber related such as shawl pins and yarn bowls will be accepted.
  • 3. Items should not be made from kits.
  • 4. Be sure you have no copyright infringement with your design.
  • 5. Original hand sewn wearable items must exhibit surface design embellishments such as fabric painting, embroidery or beadwork.
  • 6. Items should be free of errors.
  • 7. Items must be fragrance free.
  • 8. Check for quality in your finishing details:
  • % Appropriate final finish: wet, steam, blocking, etc.
  • % Address all edges: selvedges, hems.
  • 9. Items may be entered for sale 2 consecutive years. Items should be refreshed (washed, blocked, etc.) before
  • Items will be refused if they do not meet the Standards outlined.


  • Take-in dates:
  • • Friday, October 25 and Saturday, October 26 from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
  • • Monday, October 28. by appointment, call Kathy Myers on 509-392-6120
  • Location: Desert Fiber Arts Studio at Union Square
  • Updated Artist Contract, Inventory Worksheets and Hang Tags will be available by the end of the month on the website and can be filled out on your computer. They can be found at:  Scroll to bottom left hand side of page.
  • If you would like to help with take-in, please contact Kathy Myers or Dorothy Mucha.


DEAR friends,

Are you spinning up some delicious skeins for our Fall Show and Sale? If so, thank you! I’m looking forward to seeing (and touching!) each one! I’ve volunteered to create the Sale display for hand spun skeins this year. We’ll use ladder styled shelving with galvanized buckets to hold the skeins by color grouping. Please see the attached photo. In order to have appealing uniformity in that compact  display, it would be terrific if everyone would finish their skeins and tag them similarly. Here’s what works best: Twist a traditional skein so that the “folded” (most round) end will be showing in the front of the bucket, and attached your tag to the other ed of the skein. See attached photo as an example. If you’re creating balls or cones of yarn instead of skeins, we can work with those as well. Shoppers
appreciate seeing fiber content, yardage and weight, as well as yarn style and maker on the tags. If you have questions please don’t hesitate to contact me. Thank you in advance for making this a terrific Show and Sale this year!

Kindest regards,  Jennifer

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