Can you believe our Fall Show and Sale is only a few weeks away?

November 7th – 9th!

Your Marketing/Promotion committee is “pedal to the metal” with printed materials ordered, press releases written, plans to contact the local TV stations, and more. Here’s how YOU can help our Sale succeed:

  • 1) Volunteers are needed to distribute our “Save the Date” postcards throughout various communities/businesses/public spaces. Consider where in your community these would be welcome and effective.
    • Char Friberg is our point person on this effort. She’ll ask you to record how many cards you leave and where. For your convenience, postcards will be available for you to pick up at various member homes and at the Guild house beginning in early September. (We’ll let you know when the postcards have arrived, likely around September 6th.)
  • 2) We will also ask that after the sale you retrieve the cards from each location so that we are able to track the number taken – this enables us to see how effective each location was, and to know how many postcards to print next year. Thank you!
  • 3) Every member will be asked to carry our Sale postcards with them (purse, car, event demos, open house events). Simply handing them out to family, friends, work associates, acquaintances will generate more attendance. Give extras to those who will also share with their circle of friends.
  • 4) Fliers will need to be posted similarly beginning in early October. Again, thank you for your help with this! YOU can help ensure a successful sale with these efforts!
    • Please phone or email Char with your willingness to help. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Char Friberg, 509-781-0527, al***********@gm***.com

Your Sale Marketing/Promotion Committee:

  • Cheryl Reed
  • Char Friberg
  • Linda Mackey
  • Jennifer Ely

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