White Bluffs will be putting on a Fabulous Fiber Festival October 19th from 10am to 4pm.
  • Members of Desert Fiber Arts (DFA) have been asked to assist and will receive compensation for our efforts. Please see advertisements in our newsletter and information at the DFA Studio.
  • DFA members will be donating their pay of to the DFA Treasury. We will be “earning” $20.00 per hour for  assisting in making the Fiber Fest a success.
  • We MUST keep track of the hours worked to meet the requirement of the Grants that White Bluffs received from the BF Historical Society.
  •  DFA members will “earn” money attending planning meetings
  • Our main focus will be to organize and schedule fiber animals to come visit the festival.
  • Be available to assist with animals during the festival.
  •  Be on-site October 19th from 9:30 (set-up) to 4:30 (take down)
  • DFA has been asked to provide a “Spinner” for ambience at the Tea and Textile Reception on October 12th. The Tea and Textiles Reception for the Fiber Fest: an opportunity for all key team members to do final preparation and have fun doing it. Please check the DFA Want Ads if you would like to apply for the “Spinner” position.

Remember you would be donating your energies to the DFA cause.

Criteria for October 12th Tea and Textile Reception:

  • Wear gloves and hats to the tea
  • Spinner who will be “spinning” for ambiance (30 mins or more) 12:15-12:45

Criteria for October 19th

  • Be on-site from 9:30 (set-up) to 4:30 (take down)
  • Provide Shade Tents
  • Water
  • Assist with animals and other duties as assigned
  • This wonderful opportunity popped up on our radar just in time to help us with the extra expenses we are incurring with the Photo shoot, LOGO issue and tax issue. YAHOO!

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