By Cheryl Reed

We were elbow to elbow at the Reception Sunday, Jan. 6.  Fans of Featured Artist JoAnne Rieger, fans of DFA, and fiber arts lovers came to see the presentations by Allied Arts of the Salinski Award for fine craftsmanship by a member of Allied Arts and by DFA of the Artistic Endevor Award for artistry by a DFA member in the exhibit.  The Show looks very classy.  Bring your friends; you won’t be disappointed.

Our Featured Artist JoAnne Ringer

A bit of whimsy by Pat Peterson






Surface Design Artist JoAnne Rieger led DFA folks at the Christmas party into her design process.  She encouraged lots of playing with design ideas and lots of sampling.  Her many notebooks illustrated her growth from comfort with stitches into bolder use of color and into 3-D designs.  Such themed explorations captured into a notebook can be used when you have a commissioned piece for greater understanding between you and your client.  Or simply to capture good ideas that you’ll want to recall for future projects.

Artistic Endevor Award Winner, Connie Masse 

About 25 members attended the fun.  Many hands pitched in to make it a successful party.  But special thanks to Cheryle K for her holiday tablecloths and to Sharon O for pulling together low-cost centerpieces.

Now we’re back to finishing projects for Fiber in Motion!  Bring them to Allied Arts in Richland on Dec. 29, 10a-4p.  Look in your November newsletter for inventory sheets and tags.  Or call Dorothy Hill for great tags that she prepared for us.



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