Theme: Wearable Art

Featured Artist: Each aspect of DFA will have a featured area at the show- like paints on a pallet.

Class: We will ask for suggestions for a class or classes – to be taught during the show

Challenge: Design Poker  

  • Join the fun! Use this design challenge as inspiration to create something different. Come to the February General meeting to receive a chart that assigns the suits and ranks in a deck of cards to elements of design.[A new term for me. Ranks are the numbers 1-Ace.]
  • You’ll be dealt a hand of 5 cards. Use the chart to find the 5 design elements represented by those 5 cards.Then use those 5 design prompts to create a fiber art piece. A handspun skein, a knitted piece, or tatted or felted or surface-design fabric or woven piece, or ??? Aim at finishing your creation by the December 2020 DFA  Holiday Party.
  • These creations may be displayed in part of our Gallery at the Park exhibit in January, 2021. Then we might be able to use them in a booth at the ANWG
    conference in Salem, OR, in June, 2021.

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