Tuesday March 3rd, 1-3pm Stafford Weaving Study Group

ATTENTION: TUESDAY, NOT THURSDAY at Marion Halupczok’s, 72205 E Grand Bluff Loop, Kennewick.

Topic from Episode 2 of this Season 4:
Designing with Fiberworks weaving program & more Twills. The video was released on Feb. 20. Bring twill examples and questions about Fiberworks. If you have a weaving program on a laptop/tablet, bring it and we can have a bit of one-on-two/three play time for folks who want to try it before they decide if they want/need a weaving program. Tip: If you try the free Fiberworks online, you cannot print what you created. Take a screenshot of it, print that, bring it so we can see what you’ve done. It will help with any questions you may have. For sharing time, bring any other weaving you’ve done or have questions about.

Visitors are welcome.   Join the discussion!

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