SABLE – Stash Acquisition Beyond Life Expectancy

I will not get rid of it.  I keep it.  I don’t knit with it.  I keep it.  It just sits there, year after year after year.  Are you nodding your heads out there?  Do you have a similar situation going on?

January18th the DFA General Meeting will be all about De-Stashing

HERE IS THE PLAN:  There will be a contest at the January DFA meeting.  From now to the meeting DE-STASH your stash. Knitters, weavers, spinners, felters, crocheters and fiber crafters can bring in their de-stashed yarn, their unfinished projects and extra un-needed fiber stuff for donation to the DFA coffers.  The fun part?  Each donation will be weighed.  We will weigh and tabulate.  The person who brings in the most will win a special prize.

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”De-Stashing”]

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