We made money!!

Thank you to all who de-stashed and re-stashed at the January meeting. Desert Fiber Arts made $352.83 and we freed up some much needed storage space in the back room. Sondra Grumbein won the prize for the night  with just over 14 pounds of de-stashed fiber-y goodness. We did not weigh the outgoing re-stash but you can be sure several members took home more than 14 pounds. (Earlene took home 11 and I know Karen took home 9).

  • The left over yarn will be taken to Project Warm Up in Pasco,
  • the excess fabric will be taken to the Linus Quilters,
  • the surplus magazines and books will go to the Friends of the Richland Library.
  • There are still two large storage containers of wool to make dryer balls for the Annual Sale.
  • The best thing of the night – the missing Fair signs were found. They have been missing for two years. They were behind the stash under the table in the back.

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