Draw-loom study group members: Kathy Thorndike, Lisa Saget, Lorie Sanchez, Neil Kierulff, Cheryl Reed,
Susan Schmieman, Judy Rice and Marion Halupczok spent 3 fabulous days with Joanne Hall.

We learned Oodles and Gobs! Brains were stretched to capacity on the first day as Joanne patiently walked us through the process of warping the draw-loom. The educational workshop gave us permission to take apart our looms and reconfigure them so that warping becomes much easier on the weaver’s body. Most of all we learned we learned to think through errors and issues. An immediate fix is not always the most efficient way to correct a problem. Joanne’s Pandora’s box of tricks both amused and amazed us. The Draw Loom was warped in record time, as seen in the picture of Neil weaving on day 3 of the workshop. New weavers (NW) had the  advantage over veteran weavers (VW). We received a first-class warping class for floor looms with the added bonus of  threading the draw-loom attachment. NW & VW worked together to measure and set the proper shaft levels, lam levels and treadle levels. We did the math to understand how calculations affect design. The new warp on the draw loom is only 15 yards long. Joanne showed us design techniques to weave words horizontally andvertically. As the Chinese states so eloquently:

Wén ér wàng zhî; jiàn ér jì zhî; xíng ér zhîzhî

  • I listen and I forget,
  • I see and I remember,
  • I do and I understand

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