The board met July 8th to discuss several major issues. Here’s the scoop.

Please welcome Karen Lamar as Co-Vice President working with Pam Root

LOGO In order for DFA to use the cute little “bug” that was purchases from 99 Designs on anything other than as a floating file on a document, we need to have a Graphic Artist assist us by incorporating the “bug” into a full LOGO. The cost will be between $400-$600. Linda B has recommended a local Graphic Design firm that would best suit our needs. Karen Lamar and Leslie Wiberg have “boots on the ground” researching the cost of the LOGO.

Washington State has identified Desert Fiber Arts as needing to pay personal property taxes. Yes, I know…HOW DUMB IS THIS! Unfortunately, we have received our official WA State Revenue Letter stating that we need to create and inventory, create a depreciation schedule and beginning paying $1000. per $1000 of personal property owned. Dorothy Mucha, Leslie Wiberg and I met last Wednesday evening to begin the process. We have 30 days from July 5, 2019 to Appeal. Thank you Leslie Wiberg for leading the charge on getting the Appeal completed. We can whine and complain, but the bottom line is we “Have our marching orders” . We MUST get the appeal sent in a timely fashion. Hopefully, Washington State will realize the error of their ways and give us an exemption.

Tooting our horn! New Carpet Coming! The carpet fund is over the top of the amount needed. Mickie will be sending out a BLAST for Carpet Crew Teams. We need a Purge Crew, Mover Crew: moving Looms, furniture & book cases and finally Molding Crew: folks to remove and number the wood pieces of the molding. These crews will also be instrumental in putting the studio space back together after the new carpet is installed. Construction will be the weeks of July 15th- 26th. ALL STUDY GROUPS ARE CANCELED DURING THAT TIME.

Fiber Fest: Watch for Fiber Fest Blasts
White Bluffs Quilt Museum will hold Fiber Fest October 19th from 10-3. They have given us a FREE booth to sell items, advertise for our fall sale, & demonstrate our crafts. Contact: Karen Lamar if you are interested in participating with the booth.  Dorothy Mucha will be speaking on the topic of “Cotton” at Fiber Fest! White Bluff’s will donate $200 for this service. Thank you, Dorothy!  Pam Root will also be leading a team of DFA members to assist at the Fiber Fest. Please contact Pam if you are interested in help. White Bluff’s will reward us with up to $400 for our assistance. The monies are coming from a Grant that White Bluff has received. This is a great way to put money in our coffers for a few hours work.

Benton Franklin County (BFC) Fair: Time is running out! Get your entries registered for the BFC Fair by July 31st!

Fall Sale The hot afternoons of summer heat are perfect for creating items for the Fall Sale.

Fall Classes  Challenges persist with feeling running hot. This sizzling issue continues to be debated. Unfortunately, we had to step back from our discuss as our time ran out.
Next Desert Fiber Arts Board Meeting: August 19th   Marion

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