DFA Guild Library
DFA at the Library Thing – 900 Titles and Counting

101 N Union, Suite 208, Kennewick
DFA maintains an extensive library of books, videos, and DVD’s for the fiber arts enthusiast.
New titles are added to the catalog each month. Visit the Guild House to expand your crafting possibilities.
Lending Policy
The loan period for items is one month. After a library item is overdue two months, an overdue notice will be sent to the person who checked it out. After three months, a bill will be sent for the purchase price of said item.
Whenever a DFA library item is returned, whether it is a magazine, book, DVD or videotape, please put the item in the marked library “RETURN BOX” at the bottom of the DFA library book shelf. This box is checked often, and the librarian removes the item(s), returns the “checkout” card to the item(s) and then returns the item(s) to the proper place(s) on the library shelf.
- DO NOT return an item to the library shelf, only to the “return box,” as the item needs to be checked in first!
- Items on the DFA library shelves are alphabetized by the author’s last name.
View the DFA’s Online Library Catalog
Desert Fiber Arts – The Library Thing
Featured Books
900 Titles and Counting
*Click the book image to view the book in The Library Thing.