Well, we made it through the Fall Market! And we did so with flying colors, lots of amazing
help and a fabulous venue! All records were broken. The DFA items donated by members and
small project groups added over $700 to our coffers. Thanks to everyone for an amazing Market.
And a special thanks to Susan Schmieman, who led the planning team to victory. She has already
scheduled us at Central Church for next year. Mark your calendars for the first weekend in
November 2023. Start projects now so we can be bigger and better next year!
Next is the Allied Arts Show at Gallery in the Park in Richland. I encourage all of you to enter
your beautiful and well-done pieces.
DFA will be giving two awards at the show; Artistic Merit and the new Mary Thomas Award for
a Wearable Garment. These will be judged by members of the Gallery and will be awarded at the
reception on January 8th.

A new committee has formed to update our newsletter. Gayle Lawn-Day heads up her team of
Liz Martini and Nancy Kally-Garvin. They will be modernizing our look and working with
technology for a seamless presentation.
Don’t forget to donate items or money to our landlords for their annual holiday gift. A box is in
the studio. Questions can be directed to Cheryle Kierulff – 509-967-5515.

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