Theo Dobie, Pam Root, & I are the nominating committee for DFA for next year’s officers.

DFA needs to elect a new president, vice president(s), and treasurer for the fiscal year beginning June 1.

YOU [insert your names!] were suggested to us as someone who might be interested in becoming more involved in DFA via serving on the board. The “job descriptions” for president, vice president(s), and treasurer are spelled out on our web site.  President or vice president(s) can be shared between two people, if desired.

The president runs the monthly general meetings, and also any board meetings, as needed, and other basic “presidential” duties. There are always longer-time members and previous board members to answer questions & help.

The vice president(s) arrange the monthly meetings—place, topic, speaker, etc., fill in for the president, attend board meetings, etc. This has been a shared office for a few years.

The treasurer deals with all the financial activities of DFA, and we currently have one potential candidate.

We think any of you could do a fine job in any of these positions, depending on your interests, and hope you will consider stepping up. DFA really could benefit from our “newer” or “veteran” members’ ideas and other contributions, if we’re to remain a viable & growing organization.

Please contact one of our committee members if you have questions, or need “arm twisting” :-).


Sondra Grumbein      so*****@ow*.com

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