November 21st 6:30pm at the Guild House

The program for the General Meeting in November is a celebration of our annual sale. Members of the sales committees will be there to thank members for participating and report on their successes. We can all hear the results of the sale and have an open discussion about what we would like to see for next year’s sale. Please come and share this evening with your fellow members.

Let this serve as notice to Desert Fiber Arts Members:

DFA Members will be asked to vote at the next general meeting on the Proposed By-Laws Change. The vote will be taken at the general meeting, if you are unable to attend the general meeting you may exercise your right to a proxy vote. Please contact one of the executive board members to vote your preference prior to 11:59pm November 20, 2019.


  • It has been recommended, to meet the requirements for 501 c 3 status, the Board of Desert Fiber Arts would like to change our current number of the executive board to 8. The definition of the executive board would include 2 vice presidents plus the addition of the membership chair and facilities chair. This allow for a larger diversification of thoughts for decision making.


  • Article IV Board of Directors
    • Section 1. Definition of Board -The Board of Directors of DFA will consist of President, Co-Vice Presidents, Secretary,
      Treasurer and Past President as elected by the membership. Additional executive board members are: Membership Chair
      and Facilities Chair.


  • Article IV Board of Directors Section 1. Definition of Board-
    • The Board of Directors of DFA will consist of President, Co-Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Past President as elected by the membership. Voting will occur at the November 21, 2019 General Meeting. Proxy votes may be sent to any of the current executive board members: President: Marion Halupczok ma**********@gm***.com, Past President: Leslie Wiberg ld*******@ho*****.com, Vice Presidents: Karen Lamar ka*********@gm***.com and Pam Root ic*******@ao*.com Treasurer: Robin Phillips rj******@ms*.com, Secretary: Gayle Kerr ew***************@gm***.com, Proxy votes will be taken via email or letter until 11:59 pm November 20th.

All Proxy votes must be time or postmark stamped prior to 11:59pm of November 20th. This allows for a decision to be solidified at the General Meeting.

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