Might you be interested in teaching a class for the KCE/DFA partnership? It is a fabulous way to earn money for our guild. The instructor sets the price & class size. KCE adds an administration fee then does the marketing, registrations, and money collection. Once DFA submits a small amount of paperwork, KCE sends us a check for what we earned. Earned income is the instructor fee times number of registrants. We use our studio, teaching from the comfort of our studio nest with all the tools! We need to have our class proposals sent to KCE by November 1st.
Pam is developing a Nuno Felting class for the Winter/Spring catalog. Who else would like to develop a class? Marion will help make it happen! This is a great way to get our DFA Brand out in the community!
Our Fall KCE Classes: Alpaca Braided Rug instructed by new member Wanda C.
Weave a Dish Towel instructed by Susan S. & Marion H.
The Kennewick Community Education and Desert Fiber Arts partnership will earn approximately $800+ in September for our guild!

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