Happy Fall y’all! There is so much going on at the DFA; everyone is busy, busy, busy.

There is always something happening. We have a request of our membership. Funds/payments/monies that come in to the treasurer are often not marked with a reason for the payment. During membership renewal a $25.00 payment is quite obvious, but other incoming payments are not. Our treasurer has to contact the member for why they sent in the money. This takes up quite a bit of her time and adds to her work load. We are adding a “drop box” for the treasurer next to the white boards in the office. There will be form available (and envelopes for privacy) to define the reason for your payment. Even if you have paid through our website, please take the time to fill out one of these forms so that Rebecca will know how to direct the funds as Paypal pass-through information is inadequate. We are looking for a fix for this, but in the interim, please be helpful and assist our treasurer in her duties by using the form and drop-box.

Thank you,   Leslie

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