President’s Warped Yarns
One Person/Multiple Careers by Marci Alboher; Journalist/Author/Speaker is my latest self-help book. First I
would like to say I love it when young people make discoveries that are new to them and spread the word to the world.
The book is about having more than one career at the same time. I use the word career very loosely as being a
laundress at a local hotel in the morning and a waitress at the local bistro in the evening to keep food on the table and
clothes for their children isn’t anything new; Laundress/Waitress. Furthermore, Marci’s slash list (
Journalist/author/Speaker) is totally related to words which could blend together as one career.
Better examples would be Teacher/Rug Weaver, Tour Guide/Felt Maker, Sheep Rancher/Banker. DFA has
graduated several such career persons, including a Chemical Engineer/Fiber Artist. I believe the slash concept
includes a day job to support a hobby that becomes a career. Is Retirement/Hobbyist viable? How about
Retirement/Caregiver, Retirement/Traveler, or Retirement/volunteer?
Marci’s book is more upscale and includes Lawyer/Minister, Stock Broker/Rap Artist, Rabbi/Comedian;
WHATEVER! I am a self-help connoisseur/just do it kind of person. Judy Rice

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