I hope you all are keeping safe and staying out of the smoky air as much as possible. For those of us with respiratory illnesses it is necessary that we stay inside. I really would love some fresh air! Late August and into September are the months I love to open my windows early in the morning. For me it’s a great time to knit, have some herbal tea and plan. Fair time is planning time; I start making plans for holidays and fall travel. I want to thank all of you who worked on and at the fair this year. There was some great planning and preparatory work done on behalf of the guild. I am sure the kids at the fair had a good deal of fun felting rugs in a swimming pool! Your creativity amazes me and makes Desert Fiber Arts fun as well as a great place to learn.

We have filled the Hostess position! We had several volunteers – thanks to all. The Board has been busy reviewing and updating By-laws and Policies and gearing up for our meeting in September.

Hope to see you September 20th, Leslie

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