Simple Temari

The deadline for the Temari ball beginners class is fast approaching. Sign up at and register on classes soon to hold your place.

Temari has just enough detail to be challenging but not drive you crazy and spectacular amounts of creativity to make it fun. You’ll love it…

Simple Temari Wrap  Ancient Japanese Fiber Art)
  • Instructor     Denise A. Pitts
  • Description: First half of class students will be shown how to make the Temari pictured above. After making the temari the students will learn how to wrap and mark a mari on their own. Wrapping a perfectly round ball and laying out the grid is an important step in creating a beautiful Temari.
  • Supplies: One 3-inch wrapped Mari in the color of your choice, 3 skeins of DMC #5 thread in the colors of your choice for stitching the design on the ball. Small sewing scissors, #18 needle (or one with an eye large enough to fit the DMC #5 thread), sewing pins, narrow tape measure, and rubber needle puller. For wrapping a ball in the second half of the class: one 3-inch Styrofoam ball, one to three large spools of sewing thread in the color of your choice for wrapping a ball, one skein of baby soft yarn, 1/3 yard quilt batting, and DMC thread for marking the ball.
  • Audience  This is a beginner class for any age. The only limitation is patience to sew.
  • Date  May 18th  9:00am – 12:00pm
  • Class Duration  2-3 hours
  • Instructor fee $ 20.00 per student
  • Cost of supplies $ 5.00 – $10.00  paid with instructor fee ($10 if I provide the initial wrapped ball and the supplies to wrap another ball in the second half of the class.)

Photo of supplies; these are suggested colors, please feel free to use whatever catches your eye.
Temari Supplies

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