Study Group: Basketeers
Basket weaving supplies and tools are provided by donation. Participants have opportunities for input. We use cane products and/or materials found in nature. Come join us for a craft that has survived for thousands of years.
Meet on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Mondays each month beginning at 1:00 until 4:00 pm.
Contact: Judy Rice or Marion Halupczok
All Study Group contacts can be reached through Contact
Watch the website Calendar, and Blasts for updates and new study groups.
Basketeers Latest News
Elevated Delta
Join the Basket Study Group on Monday, January 6th as we create an Elevated Delta Fruit Basket. We’ll be meeting at the studio from 12-3pm. Delta, the 4th letter of…
Basketry & Harvested Fibers
Pop by the Basketry Study Group this summer and check out what’s happening. Not only are the members testing their skills with purchased fiber, but recently they have also been…